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In "Product Settings", you can view and modify the product-related settings of this project, including Information, Members, Version Management, Delete Product, Alteration Record.

1 Information

Some basic information about the product is presented here. Here you can modify the product name, avatar, and product description.

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2 Members

Product members can be managed here. You can invite, update, and delete members here. There are two ways to invite members: click "Invite New Members" to generate an invitation link. New members can click the link to join the project after logging in. Click "Add members via corporate WeChat name" and fill in the corporate WeChat name to add project members in batches.

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Click the drop-down menu in the "Role" column to modify the member's permissions. The permissions of each member are as follows:

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rolePermission to view personal privacy information"OverView" viewing permission"Configuration" editing permission"Setting" editing permissionPermission to view reported issues
Administrators(Data Compliance)×
Member(Data Compliance)×××
Stats Viewer××××

Note: The permission to view personal privacy information refers to the permission to view UserID, DeviceID and other information that is accurate to the user's personal information.

Click the delete button in the "Operation" column to delete members.

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Click the checkbox on the left side of the table to manage members in batches.

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3 Version Management

Here you can view all version numbers of the product and configure hidden versions. Hidden versions are no longer displayed in the version filter box. At the same time, the corresponding version will stop initializing and reporting.

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Switch the drop-down menu in the upper left corner to "Hidden Versions" to view hidden versions and redisplay them.

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4 Delete Product

Click the button to delete this product.

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Warning: After deleting the product, all data on the product will be completely deleted and cannot be viewed or restored. Please confirm carefully before operating.

5 Alteration Record

The operation history of this product is shown here.

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The following table provides descriptions for each operation record.

Operation TypeModuleOperation contentPath
UserProduct ManagementChange the informationSetting-Information-Save
UserProduct ManagementDelete AppSetting-Delete Product
UserProduct ManagementSet SDK Disabled StatusSetting-Version Management-Hide-Also disable SDK initialization and reporting
UserSdk Strategy ConfigEdit Sdk StrategyConfiguration-Sdk Strategy Config
UserSdk Strategy ConfigAdd Sdk StrategyConfiguration-Sdk Strategy Config-New Configuration
UserSdk Strategy ConfigDelete Sdk StrategyConfiguration-Sdk Strategy Config
UserSdk Strategy ConfigEdit SdkStrategy PriorityConfiguration-Sdk Strategy Config
UserTag ManagementTag the IssueCrash/Error/.. Analysis - Add Tag
UserTag ManagementRemove Issue TagCrash/Error/.. Analysis - Delete Tag
UserTag ManagementTag the AppConfiguration-Manage Tags-New Tag
UserTag ManagementRemove App TagConfiguration-Manage Tags-Delete
UserTag ManagementEdit App TagConfiguration-Manage Tags-Rename
UserMember ManagementDelete MembersSetting-Members-Delete
UserMember ManagementModify Member PermissionsSetting-Members-Role
UserMember ManagementAdd members via corporate WeCom nameSetting-Members-Add members via corporate WeChat name
UserMember ManagementAdjust Member Permission LevelSetting-Members-Scope
UserMember ManagementInvite New MembersSetting-Members-Invite New Members
UserFeature AnalysisUpdate Rule PriorityFeature Analysis-Feature Rules
UserFeature AnalysisEdit RuleFeature Analysis-Feature Rules-Edit
UserFeature AnalysisAdd RuleFeature Analysis-Feature Rules-Add New Rule
UserFeature AnalysisDelete RuleFeature Analysis-Feature Rules-More-Delete rule
UserAlarm ConfigInsert Alarm ConfigConfiguration-Alarm Config-New Alarm Rule
UserAlarm ConfigUpdate Alarm ConfigConfiguration-Alarm Config-Edit
UserAlarm ConfigDelete Alarm ConfigConfiguration-Alarm Config-Edit-Delete Config
UserBug TicketManually Create a Bug TicketCrash/Error Analysis - Create Bug Ticket
UserBug TicketUnbind Bug TicketCrash/Error Analysis - Unbind Bug
UserVersion ManagementDisplay Version and Enable Event ReportingSetting-Version Management-Hidden Versions-Display-Enable Event Reporting-OK
UserVersion ManagementHide Version and Enable Event ReportingSetting-Version Management-Displayed Versions-Hide-OK
UserVersion ManagementDisplay Version and Disable Event ReportingSetting-Version Management-Hidden Versions-Display-OK
UserVersion ManagementHide Version and Disable Event ReportingSetting-Version Management-Displayed Versions-Hide-Also disable SDK initialization and reporting-OK